Swirling in Christine's Head

Ok, this is a bit off-topic and I considered starting up a new blog for these swirling amorphous thoughts in my head, but how many things do I want to take charge of really?

So for readers that are focused on visiting to learn about other jewelry artists, learn techniques, etc. you can skip over anything entitled "Swirling in Christine's Head"

For everybody else, I wanted to share how I make the time go faster while I wash dishes. I listen to free audio files about how to do this or that, usually WAHM (work-at-home-mom) stuff and I was just listening to a really good one this afternoon so now I feel all fired up with stuff I want to do. The one I was listening to today was along the working smarter not harder type of line so if you are interested in listening too, http://www.wahmtalkradio.com/teleseminars/ is the link, and I was listening to this one How to Build a Giant List of Your Ideal Customers Who Love to Buy From You Again and Again Alexandria K Brown, originally recorded for the Power Moms Cruise in Fall 2004.

That's all. Just sharing :)

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