More Thoughts Swirling in Christine's Head

Are you a multitasker that thinks there are never enough hours in the day?

If you have a long list of email and webpages you want to read later but never seem to find the time, I have found a really cool solution.

I have 2 small kids and I always have a at least a dozen projects on the go so I am very very busy to say the least. So many things I want to read. It seems there are never enough hours in the day even for a seasoned multi-tasker like myself.

I listen to a lot of mp3 files when I do mundane tedious things like wash dishes or prepare the latest in an endless parade of snacks and meals necessary to the growth of small children and their playmates. I go on the lookout for jewelry and business related audio e-books, online seminars, online radio programs etc. but I often have trouble finding ones I’m interested in listening to.

The other day I had a revelation. It occurred to me that there might be a program out there that could read the text to me. I did a search, and I found this program that converts text to voice! It reads to me – so cool!

It puts a doodad right on my web browser so I can have it read aloud to me. You can do other cool stuff too like

  • save the audio to a file for posting on a website,
  • read email,
  • you can cut and paste text into it,
  • and probably other stuff too (but that’s what I’ve used it for so far.)
I thought I would share my exciting software find because I wish someone would have told me about this long ago.

Now I can wash dishes, fold laundry, chop vegetables, and do all the boring repetitive tasks associated with being a stay-at-home-mom, while I listen to all the things I have been saving to read later.

I downloaded the trial version first but it has this pretty annoying computerized voice. You can download these “natural voices” if you have the pay version. I didn’t really want to have to pay for it, because I am pretty cheap, but I thought, “You know, I am worth it darnit”. And it really wasn't a lot. It cost me only $29.99. I attached the link at the bottom of this post for anyone interested in checking it out.

BTW, It didn't put any ads or crap onto my computer.

That is what’s Swirling in my Head today.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed my rambling.

Christine :)

Software in this article: Text aloud trial download
Online radio I listen to: WAHMtalkRadio (I always like to promote other quality work-at-home-moms)

1 comment:

project_wonderland said...

That is soo awesome!! Thanks so much for sharing!!